Thursday, November 25, 2010
I love myself
make this statement truly from my heart
I regretted for not loving myself enough in the past
keep on thinking the bad side of me,
treat myself bad as my emotion was not stable
Make others life miserable because i keep on complaining
Thanks to people who support me
They let me knew the best of myself
they make me appreciate what i having now
They inspire me to become a better person
Proud of myself too
Because i could feel the difference
between the past and now
KL and working life really makes me mature
There is a song that inspire me everyday
Of coz, its Adam Lambert's song too
"Seconds, hours, so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait?
Every moment lasts forever
When you feel you lost your way
And what if my chances were already gone?
Started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries!
There are no boundaries!
I fought to the limit to stand on the edge
What if today is as good it gets?
Don't know where the future's headed
But nothing's gonna bring me down
I've jumped every bridge and I've run every line
I've risked being saved but I always knew why
I always knew why!
So hear I am still holding on!
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
You can go higher, you can go deeper
There are no boundaries above and beneath you
Break every rule 'cause there's nothing between you and your dreams
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
Yeah! There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries!
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
There are no boundaries!
There are no boundaries!
There are no boundaries"
Hope that my friends live happy and strong forever
Love all my Dears... Take care
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Satisfied weekend
Drove to there alone by using GPS
the reason i drove to there was to meet with one of by besties Michell
and of coz MAHJONG too...
walau, really addicted to this game ^^
but the journey to there was very far,
around 40min.. In addition, this is the 1st time i drove to there,
so were pity nervous >.<
Look at the distance, it was so far away,
From Selangor i drove to outcast of Kuala Lumpur,
Got a few times, the instruction in GPS makes me sweat =.="
Luckily for this time, i make some wise decisions and pick the correct road
From Google map, i found out that with this distance,
i could go gurney from my house approximately 6 times.. @_@
This was a good experience, although i scare,
but i am daring to drove so far alone..
Welcome to BIG city Winnie, U r officially a city girl right now =P
To celebrate this, i bought this book
Hopefully the story will be nice and i will have
interesting life as her too...
Bought some 2B pencil and a sketch book too..
although i am sucks in drawing, i still like to draw =)
Of coz having fun with my besties Michell was my motivation to go there
we enjoy eating and playing mahjong together with her wonderful BF n BF housemate..
Mahjong, Chor tai Ti, you are the best and you let me crazy for you..
Had a wonderful weekend this week,
Shannon will be coming next week
Hopefully we wont get lost in finding our way to war place(shopping Mallssss)
Welcome my leng lui friend SHannon ... WOohOOO
**Ah MOi on the left hand side, let me introduce u ...SHANNON.. tadaaaa... hahaha
SHe shall kill me if she saw this...
Cant wait to meet with u dear! Muaks =*
Friday, November 19, 2010
周杰伦 - 以父之名
我們每個人都有罪 犯著不同的罪
We are all sinners/ committed different crimes
我能決定誰對 誰又該要沈睡
I can decide who is right/ who will be sleep forever
爭論不能解決 在永無止境的夜
The dispute does not resolve/ in endless night
關掉你的嘴 唯一的恩惠
Shut your mouth/ is the only mercy
#仁慈的父我已墜入 看不見罪的國度
Merciful Father, I have fallen into the realm of seeing no sin
請原諒我的自負 沒人能說沒人可說
Please forgive my pride, no one can be told, no one could be told
好難承受 榮耀的背後刻著一道孤獨#
Its so hard to take it/ loneliness is carved on the back of glory
沈默的喊叫 沈默的喊叫 孤單開始發酵
Silent screaming, silent screaming/ loneliness start to ferment
不停對著我嘲笑 回憶逐漸延燒
Continuingly laughing at me/ the memory begins to burn
曾經純真的畫面 殘忍的溫柔出現
Once innocent images/ cruel tenderness appears
脆弱時間到 我們一起來禱告*
Its time for being fragile, let us pray together now
Sunday, November 7, 2010
好人坏人 , 男人女人
之前一直笑朋友的 朋友三十岁了
很老了 在“笑”一半当中
我觉得 男人到了 三十岁
是黄金岁月 对他们来讲 the night is still young
所以如果做一个人 满分是一百分的话
那至少扣了分 我还是靠近一百分的
人生短短几十年 我希望我获得许多经验
好的坏的 也可以
最近很堕落 很失意
要乖就 乖到底
要坏就 坏要低
要乖不乖 要坏不坏
真希望我赶快决定我 要当好人还是坏人
你明白我在说些什么吗? 我不是很明白
这代表我 思想真的很混淆
神啊 帮帮我吧!
他们不是什么好人也不是什么坏人 或许当他们就好。。选择在于你想当那一个?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Never to be too stereotyping !
Make a funny mistake that i could nvr forget
Jz now i drop by taipan to pay my Celcom broadband bill
Once i park my car, an indian walk across the road
the indian wear T-shirt and bring a black waist beg at his waist
without hesitate
i step out my car and ask him "berapa ya"
Than he smiling to me and respond "huh"
than only i realize
he is not person who collect parking money
he jz standing beside his car n finding car keys
and his car was just park beside my car..
OMG, this was so embarrassing..
Ussually ppl who collect parking fee in Penang were indians
Luckily he smile n say "saya bukan"
if sui, mayb i kena scold somemore..
haha, wat a day =)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tuesday Blue
Wednesday Blue
Thursday Blue
Friday Blue
Saturday and Sunday also Blue
(Dunno wat to do when no work)
When will be red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, purple mood?
Gonna start work now, fall sick yst, feel weak rite now------->hopefully could transform blue color to other colors!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
No chinese language for my laptop? Oh no!!!!
y? coz i jz drop the white coffee that i order on my laptop!
so careless! luckily the helpful workers help me to clean the thing..
Nowadays,i spend alot, coz my car spoils, my laptop spoils,
laptop fix d car spoils again.. ahem, have to go pray d. haha
y i am now typing english?
becoz after i reformat my laptop, the program that Mr.Faizal install for me does not had Chinese language application..
Guess that he think my english is poor, so had to practice more huh..
yst i watched a nice and quality movie "eat, pray, Love"
Nice mvi, love the sentences it use inside
"ruin is great, ruin is a path for transformation"
yes, indeed it was so true n i almost stood up to clap my hands for it.
many people said i ruin my life in Penang,
i should live in penang peacefully n happily,
coz in penang had alot of gud food
coz in penang i had all gud frens n lovely family members
coz in penang it is free frm trafic jam
coz in penang people were more friendly
coz in penang i can find frens accompany me easily
YA, all the statement i agreed wif it, but i need challenges, i nid to be alone
most probably, i nid time to think myself, without interference of any people. I did not had a clear objective for my life n purpose of living in this wonderful world.
So i RUIN my life in Penang, seek for transformation in KL.
Everything had to done alone in KL.
Driving, eating, jogging,
it trains me to become an independent person
i am not weak anymore
i like challenges
i dare to continue drove although i duno the way i follow could reach destination or not (before i bought my GPS)
And i am proud of myself!
Perhaps, 1 day, i will fall badly, i will hurt badly, i will cry badly
So wat? this is so call life, u cant expect everything to stay 100% perfect rite?
Because of stress, i knew wat was relax means
Because of sorrow, i knew wat was happiness means
Happy to meet wif everyone that appears in my life
"everyone is a teacher in urlife"
Therefore,i am grateful with people who appears in my life before n after
especially thx to my senior in company, She is cool, knowledgeable n eligible!
Thx for teaching me, no matter in work task or life philosophy.
Mentioning of finding objective in life,
i still have not much clue,
but i do have a wish list:
1.Continue learn Spanish, as i got some basic on it... Como Esta? =)
2. use my ownself earn money to travel to Bali, or Redang
3. Ikea buy furniture.. which goin to achieve sooner later =)
MIss my frens, take care n i will take care myself too! ^^
Cheers! =)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
还是觉得这是一部好戏 值得回味
随着时光的飞逝 小时候一起玩的同伴 都散了
中学时的同伴 都随着各自的理想 飞翔了
大学时的同伴 都随着生活所需 各奔东西了
记得 当时, 我带着满怀的 期待 喜悦
戏完了 我却带着 一颗沉重的心回家
很埋怨 当时觉得 这部戏应该是有个 美好的结局的
干嘛 结局是那么让人遗憾呢?
觉得 这部戏真的很写实
原来我们都讨厌事实 才会找理由去埋怨
人生中 又有几多的结局是以完美的收场来结束的呢?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
(2) 骗我可以,如果被我知道超过两次,请你有多远滚多远
(3) 如果你拿我不当回事,我会以同样的方式对你
(4) 我可以装傻,但别以为我真傻
(5) 我可以容忍,但别超过我的底线
(6) 我不是没脾气,只是不轻易发脾气
(7) 任何的真话,我都能接受
(8) 对我真心的,我会双倍回报
(9) 对于陷害我的,我也会加倍偿还
(10) 我不骂你,就别找骂,因为你还没资格让我为你损自己的形象
(11) 在喜欢的人面前,能不哭就不哭、可以为喜欢的人做任何改变,但不试图改变他
(12) 用单纯的心对待朋友和爱人
(13) 对于装死者,不留脸面
(14) 不喜欢就是不喜欢,说啥也没用
(15) 别跟我玩暧昧,你玩不起
(16) 不给喜欢的人制造麻烦
(17) 除了父母,不与任何人有经济上的来往
(18) 宁缺毋滥,绝不因为寂寞而恋爱
(19) 给不起就别拿承诺当口头语
(20) 开心的时候要想起我,难受的时候要记得你还有我
(21) 想要我怎样对你,你就如何对我
(22) 弱水三千,希望我们都取一漂饮
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
告别了 马六甲
一切也都 改变了
而 停此转动
是时候醒来 建立全新的我了
除了变瘦之外 还一直在检讨自己的缺点
原来人 是要痛过了 吃到苦头了
才会开始反省 势必要把自己变得更好
要开始第一份工 了
marketing administration executive
受伤 受苦 受挫
可是我会加油的~ 正所谓人应该越挫越勇
一个人生活 不再有任何依赖 是件 好事
总 不能事事靠人嘛
人也不会因你 懦弱,寂寞而时时刻刻陪伴你
Sunday, September 12, 2010
有一次 她的前男友
她觉得很无助 很害怕
在同时 她狂哭着 狂摇醒前男友
大喊大叫 叫他起来啊,起来呀!
摸着自己的头 问她发生什么事了
看到哭到像神经婆似的她 他也吓到了
她破哭为悌 一直频频跟他说
我以为你死去了 吓死我了。。
她很慌 甚至出了个念头
就算要她离开他, 她也无所谓
我安慰 她说
既然 如此 你也不用太伤心了
既然他现在平安无事 了
就当作 那时的愿望被听到了吧
加油吧! 朋友!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
>.< Speachless Day
I like wanna shout for yesterday
U wanna hear story?
Yesterday is my friend Mico's birthday
Me, milky and Christine were invited to her birthday party
the celebration were organize in 69 mansion
After one hour of jam at Batu Ferringgi, we reached
Enter with happy mood
we wish the birthday gal happy birthday
lots of hugs and wishes
and v sat down for drinks n cakes
Mico had order about 5 bucket of beer
So that v wont get thirst
Half an hour later,
the songs suddenly cut off
and the light suddenly switch on
"Lelaki kiri, perempuan kanan"
v feel like scolding wat the F*** tat time
v still have about 4 bucket of beer
and damp, there is a checking going on
%^*&%*% can only say potong stim lo!
1st time in my life i kena checking
God, i really gan jiong tat time
coz my IC is temporary IC
i scare that the police though is rubbish
n throw it away =.="
according to the police
v have to pass up our IC
ladies stand right, guys stand left
but after v pass up our IC
v continue sit at our table and play games
Amazingly, v had much fun during that time
v play "ping pong piang" loose de drink beer
At the end, v manage to finish all bucket
before they called out our name
I think that v are the most relax customers in the whole club ^.^
While we playing, the DJ will called name
some name they will call
and ask them to took their IC
After took the IC, you may show the police n leave the place
some that not so lucky will kena call name
and waiting to check urine..
WHile waiting for the names
we can observe that every people have pekcek face
n i sure that they will think :" why la, why have to check today"
when i go toilet, i meet a gal and she tell me that
"i come frm Singapore, i heard ppl said nice so i visit here,
walau, 1st time come d kena" haha... i also duno how to console her
Finally, i heard my name "WINNIE XXX"
yes ah!!! at last my name appear
i took my IC frm the police and walk out frm the club
LOL... wat an experience..
i am glad that although this situation happens
v still play happily and make our birthday gal MICO laughs =)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Miss the old days
Miss the old days that goin makan n clubbing wif marketing course mate
Miss the old days that drinking and playing card in D'arts
Miss the old days that Darren,Selva and me in car chatting while Darren driving
Miss the old days that play pool in senyum plaza with Rm10 for 2 hours
Miss the old days that v complaint no money n when parents/PTPTN will enter money
Miss the old days that after badminton, go mamak makan n chatting
Miss the old days that buy DVD c together wif Darren
Miss the old days that watch football together with Darren
Miss the old days that fighting wif BABA all around mlc once v meet up
Miss the old days that kena scold by Xiao Jia when i am emo n stupid
Miss the old days that eat Pongteh babi and Ayam once a while
Miss the old days that teasing Joyce as Chick
Miss the old days that hiding at the emergency stairs n do smtg which is bad habit
Miss the old days that eat Satay Celop and Siang Malam Wan Tan Mee
Miss the old days that keep on saying i havent go ZOO Malacca b4
Miss the old days that Darren's mom insist him to bring me go sit boat at mlc river
Miss the old days that drink beer with Darren's family
Miss the old days that taking pic wif Panda girls in toilet everywhere
Miss the old days that where can v eat after class
Miss the old days that asking frens "How is ur FYP"
Miss the old days that asking frens: "who is ur supervisor/moderator for FYP?"
Miss the old days that study like hell when exam time without time to sleep
Miss the old days that ask frens "have u study finish" b4 exam
Miss the old days that mumbling n complaining after the exam finish
Miss the old days that v have BBQ section in Wai Lok's house
Miss the old days that i get to eat herbs marinated pork chop n japanese layer cake
Miss the old days that watch movie together with Darren
Miss the old days that scare baba by ghost story n she keep saying "lalalalalalla"
Miss the old days that i stay in a room which is vy cool at nite
Miss the old days that had small chatting section in bed b4 sleep with xiao jia
Miss the old days....
Miss the old days....
Miss the old day~~
perhaps some could be achieve again in the future
While some could only become sweet memory forever.
CHERISH the Moment u had rite now! Cheers =)
Monday, July 5, 2010
Experience in part time job
For you information,
Matta fair do not have a lot of Leng zhai as in PC fair..
Those visitors usually were ah Ma, Ah Gong, or a whole big family
Those Ah Gong and Ah Ma, ovarall vy friendly and cute
i meet a ah gong visitor who makes me laugh
"hello, this is our promotion package, u can have a look"
"oh, okok"
"Do u have any places tat u wish to visit?"
"oh, okok" >.<
"v now got promotion, korea vy cheep"
"oh, okok"
"did u went to korea before?"
"oh. okok"
=.=" swttt arr... but he makes me laugh too..
i did meet some customer which jz come to visit for fun only
frm the question tat they ask (which is very ridicules)n the respond they give
you can know tat he is not serious at all
so, when got chances i will said
"okla, u may take time consider, if interested can come back to our booth"
throw them a smile and....... RUN!
Some customers also vy hao lian (like to show off)
"hello, interested to go any whre?"
"oh, this korea i go b4 d... not bad lo ....lalalililolooo"
"oic, or beijing, hongkong, vietman? all got promotion"
"these all i go b4 d, rmb tat time i go it was with xxx group, v go for 5 days..bla bla bla"
"oic.. than now u interested to go any places now?"
"nola,i jz see see"
>.< ok, no problem.. have a nice LOOK in MATTA fair ya
Some customers vy "cute"
I said :"this 1 package vy worth it, got bla bla bla.. is our hot package"
customer: "o~ than the package so gud, than u register or not?"
LOL, dear customer, if i am rich enough to sign up
i wont be sitting here to serve u d
1.)This world have many kinds of people
2.)It is interesting to work if u have passion with ur job
3.)when talk, meet ghost talk ghost language, meet people talk people language
haha, ovallrall is a gud experience although the paid is little =)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
sometimes i am happy
sometimes i am sad
sometimes i am disappointed
sometimes i am exited
sometimes i feel sweet
sometimes i feel sourness
Partly Because Of YOU =)
Wonder that do u ever see my blog??
hmm..clueless >.<
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Happy Happy ^^
Monday, June 21, 2010
Goin to end my holiday mood =)
everyday endless out at nitez
drinkng, clubbing, chit-chating in cafe
jogging, swimming, sit-up'ing
enjoy every moment that i had in this holiday
Now start to moody already
due to the money that gradually become lesser everyday
Start to think of having a normal life
wake up at 7.30am, finish work at 6pm
nite go out wif frens enjoy sweet moments
talk about love, talk about working, talk about life philosophy,
LOL.. i think i had more than ENOUGH rest d..
So, my aiming now is to finding a job that is NOT in PEnang
(duwan my family control me.. but i will surely miss my friends)
Finding money~ part time job lo.. free lances job
anything that could earn money by proper method =)
After that i wanna do laser.. like tat i will have more confidence to myself
yesterday is a crucial day
i suddenly realize that
i have to love myself more
coz if u dun love urself too, how do u expect other people to love u =)
Thanks for all my friends who company me in this holiday period
i appreciate it so mush n enjoy the moment wif u all
Miss my babe.. i knew he could manage to take care himself well
So wish that he is happy everyday =D
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
可是很懒惰打字,只好只介绍一些best of the best
废话不说 先来一些图片和解说
可是 不要被他的外表骗了
正所谓人不可貌相 海水不可斗量
真的是人山人海的咯 害我一直很想逃离
觉得自己生来那么大只 阻碍了人家的空间
甜品和面包更不用说 令人垂涎三尺
最让我跌破眼睛的是他的 cheese cake
这cheese cake是属于light cheese的那种
虽然没有secret recipe, new york cheese cake那么重口味
可是他胜在吃不腻,而且你不会觉得这个cheese cake很cheep,还是味道很假
真的让人吃了一块又块, 这时配上咖啡你会觉得自己顿时是世界上最幸福的人
我爸也买了个面包 买了回家才发现里面是有ham的
口感吃起来 软软QQ的,里面的HAM是大大块的..
就买回家了.. 这甜品品质不错,比hotel 做的还要好吃
这间店在bandar sunway,有经过的话机的买来尝尝吧!!
这是我在KL 首次尝到的tiger cryster beer..
赶快尝尝 你会发现
这种鬼天气 不再那么讨人厌了
PS,用冷冻了的杯子来喝啤酒 口感会更好噢
左边是lavender bath,右边的是rose lotion
我在sunway piramid, Marks and Spencer买回来的
body bath,讲真的如果你不是lavender爱好者,请选择别的flavor
也会散发出一种女人味 让你心情闻了变得好好的
价钱也不贵,lotion和bath.各 RM24
好啦,我要出去咯,大家take care ya =)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Lame Mood
有时 我觉得你更本就不需要我
我的存在 对你来说只是填补你生命中 就那么一点点的空虚吧
我觉得 你把我当成是负担 当成是累赘
当你有朋友 有活动时 我的存在更本是多余的
或许 我因该给你多些时间
去 认真想想 我的存在对你来说重不重要 吧
Friday, March 12, 2010
Mid Term holiday
she said i always EMO, can write blog to express my feeling
but i dun think write blog will express my feeling lo
especially by english..
by this kind of vocabulary level, let u all c d will drop my standard..
kakaka... but what to do, this laptop cannot type in Chinese
Hmm.. what should i express leh?
1st of all, now is midterm break..
actually leave 2 days to reach open school
today is friday... so WHAT HAVE I DONE until now?
nothing!! just viwawa. facebook and TV everyday
no FYP, no assignment.... feel so free for the first time (not so EMO)
but from tomorrow on, i have to "pia" for everything to "menebus" back my wasted time
think already also scare... u can said me coward .. but i really got little fear with it
Besides that, i also regret that i did not go back my hometown penang in this holiday
many of my course mate uploaded their photo at FB
if i go back, maybe i could join them
looks like they really had a sweet memory and unforgettable moment
and i am wondering "Y i am not in the photo >.<"
all i could blame is the stupid SPSS
i though i will be managing my data very early..
mana tau today only start doing it :(
Going to graduate soon
many matters that makes me feel moody
i don't know with my capability
what job can i do can i manage my work well
i don't know where is my destination
i don't know my salary can support me or not
i don't know i can cope the work pressure or not
so many uncertainty in my future
and i am lost ....... ......
Saturday, February 27, 2010
要不是他们跟我说 我都不知道这个事实
也不知道 原来我以前那么爱笑
都不知道那一个是真实的自己 爱笑?还是不爱笑
chapter 2
要毕业了 感觉好像很多东西压着我
尤其是拿strategic marketing的course mate 们,
没完没了的presentation, 得从鸡蛋里挑骨头的critic,
不知道对不对方向的report,还有一个静悄悄来忙死你的business plan
我是过来人 懂得那忙得想吐血的感觉
可是我觉得 只有经历了这个过程,这个严峻的考验
毕业时我们才会为我们自己是marketing 的学生而光荣
BTW,我真的很爱我全部marketing的coursemate ^.^
chapter 3
这个新年 是我有使以来过的最疯狂 堕落的新年
认识了很多新朋友 8 天里去3 次的clubing 喝了许多许多的酒
今天,penang 的kaki 又要去clubbing了
我老了 短期内在去第四次我看我会疯掉
只能在哪儿听别人说赢多少 输多少
chapter 4
是时候intensive 减肥了
chapter 5
祝大家 新年快乐,
Huat Ah~~~ ! (Excluded body shape)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
寂寞故事之mmu版本1 (点名游戏)
话说在一个美丽的早晨。。大家刚上完marketing课。。anti panda这group又浩浩荡荡的从lectural hall,冲出来。很会尿急的winnie又催着大家上厕所。翊宾则很机灵的在观察有谁的偶像在clcr“飘”过,joyce和小佳则在玩着“ 互称小鸡与狮子游戏!panda庆的肚饿声早已传偏整个lec hall,所以一出来,他就急着和阿bao哥商量去哪儿吃好,吃完就去图书馆kap maggie..大头kat和思璇美女则在讨论coursework..wisely呢,则含情脉脉的看着大家。。沉默的拿着laptop beg..享受这幸福的感觉。他心里面正哼着一首歌。。“其实幸福很简单。。。”
原来是胡须男在他前面飘过。。(情人眼里出西施。。小佳叫他“ 胡须男”。。我这对他没感觉的心理私底下称他为“胡须佬”)。
这时大家就在那儿起哄。。有的叫小佳扑上去,有的拿一个空水瓶让小佳盛口水。。起完哄,大家又去ep 吃东西了。路途上翊宾和winnie照常在路途中打打闹闹。。但是翊宾打winnie比平时打得更用力。。一拳吃尽奶力挥向winnie的背。。害 winnie差点连口水都要喷出来了。。原来翊宾心中隐瞒着怨恨,需要发泄。。。
翊宾私底下有不为人知的秘密。其实。。。。翊宾暗恋胡须男已久。。只是他比小佳迟一步宣布自己迷恋的是胡须佬。。kimmy其实只是个掩饰品。 翊宾自己常在私底下想:“kimmy?!pls la..如果我真的那么迷恋kimmy,早就爱上阿bao咯!两人那么相似!胡须佬。。总有一天我会让你注意到我的..小佳,我们公平竞争吧!"
路人甲,已,丙,丁,security guard, 割草工人,个个都在鸡婆着...
烈日当空, 翊宾的脸皱了起来....
她那迷人的眼睛也因为那刺眼的阳光而变小了, 让周围的人们都不知道她到底发了什么疯.....
在一旁的小佳顿时脸黑,背后还有一道暗暗的光...就像是暴风雨的前夕一样, 那么恐怖,骇人.....
小佳心里想着: Kanasai, 敢跟我抢我的 misai man, 是不是没有看报纸啊? 难道不懂有人被狮子咬断手?
后来,在 EP 吃东西时,
看到了Kimmy 的来到,
他身边没有别人, 表情似乎有点郁闷, 似乎心情不是很好...
向坐在角落的 Kimmy搭讪,
小佳和翊宾的友情也开始面临了考验.... 随时一触即发~~~
她开始联想, 联想着他们边玩小鸡游戏, 边吃雪糕的情景...(Joyce叫他"大眼睛", 可是,我们都不觉得他的眼睛大....)
让Joyce觉得很烦, 很想有一把羽球拍和球, 往他身上smack去....
这时候,在一旁的大头kat 露出了不悦的表情,
因为大头kat 不喜欢别人kacau 他欣赏的女生...
挡住Brandon 和Joyce 讲话,
最后, 也让Brandon 知难而退...
Wisely, 想着有什么方法才可以把心仪的对象追到手...
阿Bao, 想着有什么方法才可以不要被家人管到这样严...
伟庆, 想着怎样可以跟Magi 有进一步的进展...
思旋, 想着怎样才不会钱不够用... 要买衣服, 化妆品, 护肤品.....
翊宾, 想着怎样才可以和小佳维持是敌是友的关系....
Joyce, 想着怎样才可以认识到他的"大眼睛"...
小佳, 想着有什么策略来面对翊宾的威胁....
突然, 大家都被一个声音给打断.....
Chapter 3
“我要如何证明自己 我不笨 我只是爱过一个人 爱得比较深….”
奇怪的是, 翊宾从平时的面无血色变到满脸通红??
“胡须男…” 这三个字缓缓地从她口中吐出, 她的脸也压得低低地…
“干那噻!!早知那天我冲出去给他撞死算了…妈X.”, 小佳的话在心里澎湃地念着,”死BARBARA, 竟然来阴的, 我就跟你玩过…”
她对着一早起床对着电脑的FRIENDSTER ADDICT小佳说:
“抽烟厚?”, 小佳面无表情道.
B- I- N- G- O!! 非他莫属, 答案就是他了,你们答对了吗?
A KAT 和OMG 竟然也撇开私人恩怨, 合作破坏他俩的相遇…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 4
阿庆的 housemate在一个机缘巧合下爆出mmu骇人恐怖事件:
话说 cls的人员不知为何故选择到clc二楼开会(据说当时有七八个)
好像你现在想象 joyce留长发、变有女人味一样。。。是很不对路的一样事情
结果他们围在那个女的身边,就讲: “你放过她吧,她也没有得罪你”
“ 如果是a kat被抓,两下子heha就gao dimm。。。”
“ 如果是joyce,搞不好两个一起玩,都是小朋友”,“如果是wisely和施璇,搞不好用歌声迷死她”
“ 如果是小佳?怎么可能?杀气酱重。。。老虎牙都吓死人了啦”,“如果是翊宾,脸都够白了。。。吓到不是变白粉仔?”
“ 如果是winnie,哇!!!搞不好粗话骂到整个马六甲的好兄弟移民!!!”,“阿宝这时候应该在家打game,准备去美国了”
一边想就一边笑,其他人也不懂为什么他讲鬼故事会讲到笑的?神经病!!!其他人还以为他在想 maggie timm. (这是故事!!!阿庆怎么会不想maggie呢?)
小佳偷偷地跟踪他们,躲在一旁看着他们的一举一动。儒雅的眼镜下面藏着发出凶光的双眼,整个clc 气氛很不寻常,阴风时不时吹着。
那盏灯在也没有意义 剩下的只有回忆
路灯依旧明亮 却把孤单的影子拉得更长
好想乘坐思念的飞毯 拥抱确信不会再温暖 熟悉的身影
如今我 却只能躲在街灯的影子下
默默数着爱你的泪 默默数着想你的每个星辰
迷蒙的月光下 会否磨清对我的记忆
早晨的吐雾里 会否出现期待的面容
如果时间能再回头 我会对你说一万次 我爱你
不想离开你 我对流星许下最后的愿望
如果时间能再回头 我会对你说一万次 我爱你
不要离开你 我对流星许下最后的愿望
想着曾有过绚丽的回忆。。。 (阿庆笔)
早晨,a kat 看到joyce。。。
点名:a kat
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